So shall we ever be with the Lord

~ 1Thessalonians 4:17




Bro. John remained at the hospital in critical condition until it was determined he would do best in a Hospice House. This provided a comfortable, caring environment and open opportunity for loving family and friends to remain gathered about him. Inspired music from recent services resounded through the room and hallways. By God’s grace there were few other inhabitants and so House of Fellowship filled the room and common areas; waiting; believing. Bro. John continually praised the Lord for healing him and assured his family he was not afraid. He expressed Christ’s love to every person within reach and when he could no longer speak, his eyes proclaimed the same.

In every aspect it can be said that John Stemen was a man of great heart. It is not coincidence that his continued to beat long past what should have been humanly possible in light of the condition of his body. Many heath care professionals and others who came into contact with him over the course his illness testified to being greatly touched by his gentleness, sweet spirit and unfailing faith. On March 4, 2010, after thirty-three years of faithful pastoring, he went on to join the cloud of witnesses who will soon rise (click for memorial page).

The funeral service was preached by Bro. Ron Spencer in words and by the Stemen family through music and conduct.  God was tenderly present and ministered to all as our brother was laid to rest. Then, after an appropriate period, the congregation and ministers dedicated a month to praying and seeking the Lord regarding the headship of the church.


Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus

~ Revelation 22:20



Without question, losing Bro. John was a very difficult time for House of Fellowship. As always, God is mindful of His people, tenderly guiding them to the next leg of their journey. As did his father, Bro. Danny Stemen now faithfully executes the office of Pastor. He is steadfastly assisted by Bro. Bill Hershberger. In recent years, Bro. Joel Seay entered the ministry. With a common vision and purpose, these three ministers are guiding this flock to the fulfillment of God’s Word in this last day.


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